Adding a Pack Size

This topic is intended for Independent pharmacies only and is not applicable to Rexall pharmacies.

Pack sizes can be added for a drug if they do not already exist in Propel Rx.

Custom pack sizes are not maintained by Pharmacy Technology Solutions (PTS). You will be responsible for updating the item number, UPC, and price (if the Cost Update Rules in the Supplier Folder are set to Do Not Update) if they change. If you would like the pack size to be maintained, submit a drug add request form on the PTS Portal.

To add a pack size:

  1. Open the Drug Folder. The Inventory tab opens.

  2. Select the Add button in the Packs Available section. The Add New Pack Size window opens.

  3. Enter or select information in the following fields:

    • Default

    • POS Product - for inventory transfer of OTC products from the POS (applicable to POS integrated stores only)

    • Pack Size

      We do not recommend creating custom pack sizes of 1 to bypass using decimal pack sizes. Prices and TP Rules are set up for decimal pack sizes to ensure claims are adjudicated appropriately. Using a pack size of 1 instead of an existing decimal pack size can lead to incorrect pricing and quantity conversions.

    • Price Code

    • Optional: Description

    • Optional: Main UPC - this is required if the product is flagged as a POS Product

    • Unit

    • Monitor - deselect the checkbox if you do not want to track inventory in Propel Rx

      • On Hand

      • Re-Order Point

      • Re-Order # Packs

    • Supplier

    • Item #

    • Optional: Supplier Price (ut)

    • Optional: Supplier Price (pk)

    • Optional: Acq Cost (ut)

    • Optional: Acq Cost (pk)

  4. Select OK. The Add New Pack Size window closes.

  5. Select the Override checkbox in the Pack Detail section if you want the acquisition cost to be updated by invoice files when purchase orders are reconciled.

  6. For a POS Product, enter the POS Size in the Packs Available section. This is the quantity that is removed from POS inventory when one package is transferred to Propel Rx inventory. The POS Size is 1 for most products.

  7. Select Save.